Help Your Clients Achieve a “Total Family” Settlement Through Collaborative Divorce Contrary to popular myth, the collaborative divorce process does not require the parties to hold hands at the negotiating table or join in a meditation circle or a group sing-along. It does, however, require a collective shift from the “win/lose” paradigm of more traditional divorce process options to the “win/win” paradigm that governs every aspect of the collaborative process. If you are curious about (or, perhaps, skeptical of) the idea of “collaborative” divorce, Holly Wanzer’s Introduction to Collaborative Divorce is for you. This book dispels the myths surrounding the collaborative process and offers straightforward how-to advice gleaned from the author’s experience. Introduction to Collaborative Divorce answers the questions you and your clients may have about collaborative divorce, and gives you practical tools to help you make the paradigm shift necessary to reach a collaborative settlement. You learn the “who, what, why and how” of collaborative divorce, including:
- Why is it important to educate every client about the different divorce process options available?
- What are the core principles that distinguish collaborative divorce from other divorce processes?
- What are the five core requirements of a collaborative divorce?
- What are the practical advantages of the attorney withdrawal provision?
- What are the ethical underpinnings of the attorney withdrawal provision?
- Other than the spouses and their attorneys, who are the potential “team members” and what role do they play?
- How does the “team approach” of a collaborative divorce actually work in practice?
- How do collaborative “interest-based” negotiations differ from “rights-based” negotiations?
- What kinds of collaborative tools are available to help overcome an impasse in the negotiations?
You receive practice-oriented tips and tools, including:
- Sample language to modify your retainer agreement to reflect the limited scope of your representation.
- Sample language to include in a final settlement agreement.
- Comparison Sheet: Cost of Arriving at Value of Marital Residence in Litigated Case v. Collaborative Case.
- Action List: Moving Negotiations Forward.
Included are forms and samples to help you work efficiently:
- Client Handouts – Divorce Process Options
- Client Intake Form
- Letter to Client’s Spouse
- Sample Collaborative Process Agreement
- Sample Four-Way Meeting Agenda
- Sample Minutes from Four-Way Meeting