Every year, James Publishing and its founder each donate a five-figure sum to helping young people in the U.S. and developing countries.
Electricity and Computers to Schools in Afghanistan
We donated money to Afghan Rural Schools, which is bringing electricity and computers to two boys’ schools and one girls’ school in the Khas Kunar district in eastern Afghanistan. The schools in Kunar District, which is in one of the least secure parts of Afghanistan, do not receive much government or nonprofit assistance, and frequently operate without electricity, clean water, or technology.
College for Kenyan Women
We donated money to Cradle to Career: Kenya, which provides college educations, mentoring, and internships for needy young women in Kenya. During their studies, each student works part-time for Cradle to Career: Kenya, and once graduated and employed, donates 10% of her income for five years to Cradle to Career: Kenya. The goal is a self-sustaining organization.
Support for Kenyan Orphans
We also donated money to the arm of Cradle to Career: Kenya, which provides food, clean water, shelter, healthcare, and education to Kenyan orphans. Cradle to Career’s goal is to educate a new generation of students from the slums of Athi River, Kenya to be self-sustaining adults.
Arms of Love International
We funded two projects for Arms of Love International, an organization that creates communities of family-style group homes for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children in developing nations. The first was the finishing and furnishing of a group home in Bohol, one of the poorest regions in the Philippines. The second project was the building of a group home in Castanhal, Brazil (the eastern Amazon region).
Clean Water in Indonesia
We provided money for the Sumba Foundation to dig water wells and lay water pipe for the village of Paholo on the island of Sumba. Our well and pipe provide clean water for 145 students and 800 villagers.
A clean water source is important during the Indonesian monsoon months of December–March. The springs become polluted with runoff, causing dangerous outbreaks of diarrhea that kill many young children. Our wells will eliminate this cause of death.
New Elementary School in Afghanistan
We provided the startup money and most of the first several years’ budget for the Helping Hands School in Kabul. Helping Hands began as an elementary and trade school for orphans and widows, and at its peak educated and fed over 200 students.
Partial Engineering Scholarships at UC Irvine
We collaborated with UCI’s Department of Engineering to identify high-achieving engineering students with substantial financial need. We provided six of those students with scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 per year. This gap funding helped students reduce their borrowings and focus on research and academics.
California College Planner
We wrote and published a what-to-do-each-year manual to help high school students – especially those in inner-city schools – plan for and apply to college. The Planner guides students and parents through classes needed, standardized testing, the college search, applying to colleges, and financial aid. Planners are both donated and sold. 100% of any proceeds are used for college scholarships.
Books for Elementary Students
Believing that developing an early love for and proficiency in reading is the first step towards a college degree, we provided money to an Orange County California elementary school to buy literacy software and books for disadvantaged children.
Community College Scholarships
We provide three local community college students with mentoring, community college tuition, fees and books for one year.
Full College Scholarships in California
We paid for tuition, books, and living expenses, and provided guidance to five inner-city students who were accepted to good universities, but could not afford to attend. Our scholarship recipients attended UC Santa Barbara, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Los Angeles, and UC Irvine.
We also found sponsors for six additional needy scholars. Thanks to generous providers of full scholarships, these students attended UC Berkeley, USC, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal State Los Angeles, and Cal Poly Pomona.